I am trading the following items, usually I trade common for common, rare for rare etc but feel free to make an offer. I am particularly interested in Windrunner and Drow Ranger's items.


Flared Wooden Crest (Nature's Prophet)
Seven-Sealed the Fur Bracer (Juggernaut)
Radiant Crystal Crests (Morphling)
Stone Guard (Axe)
Belt of a Savage Age (Ursa)
Holy Spear of Images (Phantom Lancer)
Legion's Wrath (Phantom Lancer)
Kraken Shelll (Tidehunter)


2 x Shoulders of Twelfth Day (Lone Druid TI2012)
Stoik Mask of the High Plains (Juggernaut)
3 x Golden Walrus Whacker (Ogre Magi TI2012) [1 SOLD]
Lucky Belly Belt (Ogre Magi TI2012)
Poor armor of the Druid (Lone Druid TI2012)


75% Battle Bonus (3 Days)[SOLD]
75% Battle Bonus (6 Days) [SOLD]
Name Tag
Champion's Belly Belt (Ogre Magi)
Shoulder of the Noble (Lycan TI2012)


Mighty Boar [SOLD]
Wicked Greevil

I also have 27 chests which I want to get rid of, you give me 2 commons that I don't have yet and they're all yours. I am sure someone is interested in that. [SOLD]

Last but not least I have 3 x DotA 2 invites, trading each one for a common that I don't have yet. [SOLD]

NB: I only trade items listed on that thread, if an item that I have in my inventory is not listed there it means that I am not trading it unless you have a good offer for it.

1 decade ago*

take a look at inv, i'd like those dota invites for common items, if u find anything you like

1 decade ago

Kraken Shell

Gloves of the Admirable Admiral

Ice Burst Greaves

1 decade ago

deal, i'll be online in an hour or two, add me so we can trade

1 decade ago

All right then :)

1 decade ago

thnx, done

1 decade ago

hey man im interested on your golden ogre magic weapon check my inventary

1 decade ago

Added you on Steam

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.