There's a guy called "Deathsquared" who trades on this site. He has 240 rep with no negative posts (Up until this point.). So he decided to go Lord Walder on our asses (The guy who betrayed Robb Stark.).
There's a link to a picture with the current time, and a explanation in this link.

It would also be nice if you'd leave a negative rating so that people would be wary of this guy.

Edit: Picture showing that he accepted my first 50% of dota 2 items

9 years ago*

Any chance that it was an imposter?

9 years ago

Nope it was the same guy 100%. His steamtrades profile is linked to the steam profile that I talked to.

9 years ago

Not saying you're wrong but... this doesn't look great for you.

9 years ago

Great for me? What do you mean by that? I mean yes it doesn't look like I'll get my items back yeah, but as long as people won't trade with him again, then it's a small price to pay as they were rather cheap items that I traded first.

9 years ago

Sorry, I meant with the fact of how little rep you have but I missed the chat picture before.

Although with how much he's going on and on about his rep and being trustworthy... I'd be surprised if that wasn't an imposter. Have you tried adding him again?

9 years ago

Mate, I know you're new here and probably don't quite know the deal yet, but let's be reasonable.

This trader, DeathSquared, has 240 positive rep, and had 0 negative before you repped him. That is saying a damn lot; not many traders around Steamtrades can say the same. Also, he has a level 69 profile and a 6 year old account. Even if he wanted to become a scammer, he certainly would not go out with a ~$10 (if that) robbery LOL. Nobody in their right mind would risk their account being permanently banned for that little.

I think you need to calm down and wait for a reply from him. You never know if his internet went down, or if he was late for a hot date. The possibilities are endless.

9 years ago

I'm new? I know a scammer when I see one.
His internet went down just after accepting my trade? This is BS y'know? And secondly he was online for more then 1 and a half hours after he stopped answering AND now he's offline meaning he turned steam off or blocked me. So he wasn't away for one thing, and secondly he saw my messages and turned off his steam/blocked me

So neither of those strange cases would have never worked. Not even a nuke being dropped on his country would explain this.

I have picture proof of how he accepted my trade and how he stopped answering even while he was online and I'll save a picture of the current time and the time when he went offline saved on my computer if you'll need that as well.

9 years ago

you picture proof, proves fuck all u got scammed by an imitator you tried to trade 40c of items for bioshock infinite obviously your new

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.