I have...

Eligibility criteria:

1) You must be a new subscriber to Humble Bundle monthly subscription. You can also make a new account and use a different payment method e.g.a different credit card. The account you use must not have been previously subscribed to humble monthly.

2) You must use my referral link to register

3) You must have a paypal account


1) You will purchase the March 2017 Humble Bundle using my referral link. This is crucial. There is no trade without this step. If you are using my referral link it will be indicated to you before you subscribe.
I will then confirm if you have subscribed using my link.

2) You will then send me a gift link for Total War Warhammer. You will keep the other games that will be unlocked later.

3) I will pay you 12USD via Paypal

That's it. If you are interested or have questions please post below.

Note: If you are a first time subscriber you can buy the monthly cheaper if you have a coupon. You can get one by buying a 1$ tier of a current humble bundle.

Note: you can also cancel your subscriptiom after the trade is done. You will still get your March games for free.

7 years ago*

Closed 7 years ago.