[Wants] KoA DLC Fortune Summoners Dungeons The dark lord dota 2/s ,tf2 promos AC : R + dlc Guildwars trilogy + eye of the north skyrim paypal Good offers

[Have] (prices listed are for paypal or steamwallet)

1x World of goo key (from hib, had it already)

2x super monday night combat beta ( any small game)

1x portal 2 - 10$

1x Amnesia -10$

1x Bastion - 10$

1x Chantelise - 7$

1x Darkness II LE (RU) (usable anywhere, only retail copies are locked) best offer atm : anno2070 or a tradeable dota 2 (also , not in any rush to trade this one, as its LE )(straight trade for guild wars trilogy)- 30$

1x Dead Space Pack(includes dead space 1 and 2) - 20$ ( or guild wars eye of the north)

1x dungeon defenders eternia shards complete dlc(includes assault mission pack)- 11$

1x dungeon defenders new heros dlc - 3$

1x Dungeon defenders assault mission pack - 1.50$

1x Dungeons : Steam special edition - 10$

1x E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy - 5$

1x Frozen synapse - 10$

2x Plants Vs Zombies Goty - 5$

1x Recettear - 10$

1x Sonic Generations - 20$

1x Killing Floor - $5

1x Titan Quest Gold - 10$

Please post with what you want, and what you are offering for. I may take some time to decide on offers, as most of the stuff I have, are stuff I'd play. Also taking offers on games for paypal Also have 10000 molpoints I can buy stuff with, if anyone here knows what that is. They can also be converted to ultimate pay points. Usage of middleman advised, and even encouraged, for paypal trades.


1 decade ago*

PvZ for Dungeon Defenders Warping Core DLC???

1 decade ago

alrighty, add me!

Also last call on the wallet cash, gonna buy guild wars shortly.

1 decade ago

mainly looking for paypal offers, now.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.