Hey there,
yeah kind of "special" - don't want to add 10$ to my wallet, because im only missing money for the 7th key, so it would be a pleasure, if someone could gift me the game for 6 keys and i'll paypal the value of the 7th key to you :)
Just post here or add :3

1 decade ago*

why not sell your trading cards in the market to make up money for the last key? just a tip.

1 decade ago

because I dont have any more :D

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

If u add +1 tf2 keys(I want totally 7 tf2 keys for it). We make a deal.
Add me if u interested my offer.

1 decade ago

Just Cause 2 = 2keys

1 decade ago

Closed 8 years ago.