Insurgency 4-Pack unpack: Price - 1 key to open the 4-pack | Collateral - 8 keys



You MUST have bought something from steam store more than 30 days ago and/or be able to sell items in the Steam Market, or the extra copies will become un-tradable. If you are able to unpack the 4-pack, it will show like this (Picture found in the internet). If it shows like this, the extra copies will become un-tradable. It is your responsibility to make sure and know whether your account is able to trade back the extra copies once you open the 4-pack/2-pack.

How does opening a 4-Pack/2-Pack work?

1) I will send you you the 4-Pack Steam Gift of the game you want (or a 2-pack depending on game) and you give me the required keys to unpack the game plus the collateral.

2) You then activate/unpack the 4-pack in your inventory by clicking "Add to my game library", and soon after you will receive the 3 extra gift copies of the games in your Steam Inventory.

3) Finally you will trade me back those 3 extra copies of the game and I will give return your collateral.

9 years ago*

Closed 9 years ago.