How the unpacking/splitting works
I will trade the 4 pack for 2 keys + 10 keys (a collateral)
You activate the 4 pack and the game gets added to your library and 3 extra copies in your steam inventory
*You trade the extra 3 copies for your 10 keys (collateral) back

If you have +75 or more rep on your profile, collateral won't be needed

How to check whether you are eligible for unpacking a 4pack
First and Foremost, You MUST NOT own the game in your library
Second, Follow these steps
Go to the steam store mainpage.
Add any game into your cart
Select Purchase as a gift
Your steam account is not eligible to open a 4pack if the page looks like this -
Normal Steam account with good standing will be directed to a page like this -

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.