I have...

4 CS: GO keys + 1 TF2 key

I want...

Humble 2k Bundle 2 BTA (Tier 2)

I am only interested in gift link for whole bundle. I'm not interested in separate game keys.

7 years ago*

2 key and 1 tod ?

7 years ago

Thanks for trade.

7 years ago

You interesting in USP-S | Orion (Minimal Wear) $7.79 and Glock-18 | Water Elemental (Field-Tested) $2.87 ?

7 years ago

No, sorry.

7 years ago

so you offer 11.3$ worth of keys for 15$ bundle tier ?
adjust your price no one can do this for you, unless he is a scammer...

7 years ago

Maybe I didn't explain this clear enough, but I mean BTA bundle (now 9$) , not the full 15$ bundle. Bundle is called "Humble 2K Bundle 2", so I guess that can be misleading.

7 years ago

now clear enough but better change your title to tier 2..

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.