I have the following TF2 Items from the Total War games. They aren't tradeable yet, but I will hold onto them for anyone I accept an offer from:

Genuine King of Scotland Cape

Genuine Foppish Physician

Genuine K-9 Mane

Genuine Distinguished Rogue

Genuine Menpo

Genuine Stovepipe Sniper Shako

I also have all Total War Spiral Knights Items.

Imperial Tricorne

Shogun Helmet

Medieval War Helm

Golden Laurel

Just looking for tradeable game offers, tf2 metal/keys, or possibly keys for games I don't own (gala 9 is of interest, as well as most games from the indie royales). If I don't own it, I woill probably trade for it.

1 decade ago*

I think the TF2 stuff is not tradeable (yet). Got a Gala 9 BTA - for the 4 SK items?

1 decade ago

Possibly. I have one guy deciding on one of the SK items currently, but I should know if he needs it or not tonight.

1 decade ago

Is this still under consideration?

1 decade ago

i can offer an indie gala 9 bta gift url for tf2 items but sadly they are not tradeable currently (otherwise we can discuss for future date) thanks

1 decade ago

I will pass on that. I have a few offers for individual pieces in the 1 key range. Thanks for the offer though.

1 decade ago

did not mean all for it i specifically wanted 3 of the items

1 decade ago

If still interested in IG 9 BTA - the items are tradeable now

1 decade ago

I will buy the spiral knights items for a genuine companion cube pin.

1 decade ago

No thanks.

1 decade ago

What do you want for it?

1 decade ago

What about a key?

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Will they ever be tradeable?

1 decade ago

Promos often start out untradeble, so it is assumed they will be.

1 decade ago

Yeah, I figure the same. Odd situation since it also went out to everyone who already owned. Usual wait time if a few weeks to a month.

1 decade ago

my awper hand from the cs go preorder is still not tradable

1 decade ago

It should be. They all are as far as I know. Mine is.

1 decade ago

Have you made n in store purchase in tf2 otherwise u cannot trad items

1 decade ago

yeah i have =)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.