As title says. What do i mean by not-claimed? Humble Indie Bundle now has accounts, and you can link your old links to that account. But chances are that you redeemed the keys and you are not interested in keeping the link

Im willing to trade 4$ steam wallet.

1 decade ago*

Wait you can claim a used page (say I bought a gift url, redeemed it and took the keys, but the page is still there)?

If so, I have urls without keys.

1 decade ago

Yes, exactly. I already have the HiB 2 games redeemed in steam, but i would like the link to have it directly on my humble bundle account(and having this way the soundtracks also)

I can offer you 2$ steam wallet, i think it is reasonable.

1 decade ago

Sure, I've added you. You're ingame now, and I'm going out so we can either wrap this in a couple of hours (if I'm not back too late), or in the morning :)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.