Looking for a copy of Snapshot that was on sale for $5.00 a few days ago.

I will trade you my extra copy of Don't Starve for it. Really cool game btw! and it comes with the beta you can play now.

Or if you don't want that game, I have plenty others to choose from. I will honor any fair offer.

My Inventory

Also looking for Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock

Will take other offers but only for games I don't own.
So Please do NOT offer Dota2's/Starvoid/in-game items/Indie or Amazon keys please.

I will replay to all interesting offers
Please do not add me first


1 decade ago*

Nothing I want I'm afraid. But thanx for offering

1 decade ago

alan wake's AN for don't starve?

i just saw you all ready have it sorry :S but my offer is still up :)

1 decade ago

portal1 for don't starve

1 decade ago

Metro 2033 and Stalker keys for Don't Starve?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.