This is a small list of some games i have, you can ask me for any other game, and i will include them on the list as you ask for them, to have the list as complete as possible. Read at bottom to see some rep and how can you trade with me.

Here are some of the games:

Garry's Mod : 1 key 5 ref or (3,60$)

Space Engineers: 6 keys 2 ref or (13$)

Hearts of Iron III Collection: SOLD

Dishonored GOTY: OFFERS

7 Days to Die: 5 keys 4 refined metal (SOLD 2) 1 copies left or (13$)

Commandos Collection: 1 key 1 ref or (2,5$)

GTA complete pack: 4 keys 6 ref or(9$)

Rust: 7 keys 2 ref or(13$)

Darksouls II: 14 keys or 28$

Battlefield 4(multilang, free region): 15 keys 3 ref or 33$

Battlefield 4(ru/pl language, free region): 10 keys 4 ref or23$

Leave me a comment, send me a trade offer to my steam or add me. To ask for the price of a game is not on the list DONT add me, you can post here and ask me any game you desire. Thanks.

Here you have some of my rep:

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.