I have just been scammed by "ThatFacebookGuy"

He wanted to trade Key-per-key: He asked for Mirror's edge key, in exchange for Shogun 2, then started suggesting other titles for more game exchange, but when I asked him for my key before going ahead with other games he went offline and unfriended me.

Proof of the chat: http://sep.imghost.us/QNLR.png

I then found that another user wrote on the scammers profile for another key exchange, I contacted him immediately telling him to take his keys first, and ThatFacebookGuy refused, so.

His steamtrades.com profile had only 2 positive votes, both today, few hours earlier, from users with old profiles, maybe aliases for him or close friends, I tried adding one of them as a friend but I did not get an anser, maybe fellow scammers?

ThatFacebookGuy and your friends, if you want me to remove the negative feedback or this post, contact me with the game key i wanted !!

| steamname: ThatFacebookGuy
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:54950369
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070166467
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/th4tf4c3b00kguy
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198070166467

So, be careful, don't trade with him.


Update 1:
And not only is he a scammer, but also a cheater !! check his TF2 achievements, he acquired ALL, each and every single one on 28 sept. at 5:16: http://steamcommunity.com/id/th4tf4c3b00kguy/stats/TF2?tab=achievements . I just reported his account to Steam Anti-Cheat system VAC.

Update 2:
The scammer changed the name of his profile, leaving the picture and the profile ID, and the games with full achievements, and added few comments from new created account of people say "+rep trustable trader", they are either new accounts he created or just fellow scammers like him. all within 1 hour, and they describe him trustable with his cheats on the games...

1 decade ago*

Thanks for heads up, blocked him. Bump.

1 decade ago

An friend of his invited me to a group chat with him, asking him to give me my key, he said no and escaped another time, I have proofs, but will not submit, unless necessary.

1 decade ago

Just saw the this guy left me negative feedback on my steamtrade.com, can anything be done about it? site admins?
I am new here, but he is the scammer, how can this be fixed?

ThatFacebookGuy, you are going to regret this action !!!

1 decade ago

Closed 8 years ago.