PRICE in TF2 keys -
TOMB Raider collection (With TR2013!) - 11 keys
The Wither 2 - 5 keys
Sang-Froid 5 keys
Civilization V - 2 keys
Trine 2: Complete Story Gift - 2k 3 ref
Trine Complete - 4 keys

price in Dota2 Keys
TR Collection - 10 keys
Withcher 2 = 4k
Sanf-Froid = 4k
Civ V = 1K+ 3 ref
Trine 2: Complete Story Gift - 2 keys
Trine Complete - 3 keys
background = 1key each

Also looking for Dota2 unusual couriers

You Can Pay in metal =>
1 TF2 key = 6 ref
1 Dota2 key = 8 ref.

I'm open for other good offers. (not like "6 bp for TR collection)
In items you must overpay :c
so plz don't try to scam me!
I'm prefer Dota2 items!!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.