New to Steamtrades, but I have a lot of junk so here we go. Made a trade? (I will record all trades and so should you)
What do I want =D?
--Steam cards/games (That were never bundled)

Everything on the list is stuff I am trading away/offering.
--All of my steam profile pics

--Risk of Rain Booster

--Steam costume/items
-Any dota 2 item/skin I own
-TF2 Hat(s)
-Rangarok2 items (will probably be freely included in random trade since they are worthless)
-common star sticker sox (will also be free more than likely)
-Frosty Snowflake war thunder (^)

--Payday2 Christmast Soundtrack

-------------------------------The following is mainly mmo stuff, some are and some are not steam games-------------------------

--Defiance currency of any kind (I have an old account with stocks of currency but no cash shop currency)(selling currencies, not account).

--Maplestory- mesos (literaly tons from my elementary/middle school days + all my friends who quit the game right before me and gave me all their stuff).

--Nether- Weapons/ammo/food anyone ^^?

--Path of Exile
-Currencies (but no exalts swapped em for chaos orbs as they're easier to divide and sell ^^)(No real money currencies)
-Rare gear + skill gems

--Neverwinter -Currencies + Cash currencies

--Tera - Currencies + orange names

--Firefall - Materials only

--Atlantica (nexon) - Mounts + currencies + most items (lv 112 + cash shopped a lot back in the day)

-------------------------------------------------Power leveling =D?-------------------------------------------------------------

--Diablo 3 (up to 60 only, 60-70 takes a bit too long atm).

1 decade ago*

redshirt, 1953-KGB 5 cards each?

1 decade ago

No thanks, when I get more cards from a humble bundle or something i'll pm more than likely.

1 decade ago

Closed 7 years ago.