Well, they are DLCs and I don't have the base game...Warband. :(
But, what do you want for them?
I'm interested in Plants vs. Zombies and Torchlight.
I can offer Men of War Vietnam (Steam key) and Starvoid (Steam key). Do you want something of mine?
i will be glad to exchange one on them but for both of you keys...I missed those promotions, so it could be a fair trade :)
Any of these for world of goo?
Have a look here:
Am interested in Indie Gala 3.
thanks, but i don't even have mw3, and it'll be difficult to trader them later...sorry.
Thanks...and sorry....but I can accept your Nexuiz DLC with the base game if you can find it. :)
anything interesting here? Interested in Plants vs Zombies. Might be able to buy with PP if price is reasonable and has an actual discount vs. steam price.
Well, I was really close to activate it to my account but I can exchange it for your Ghost Master, Sacred Gold, Dark Fall : Lost Souls, Space Empires V keys and probably you also have the IG 7 BTA keys, I mean Death to Spies, Death to Spies: Moment of Truth, UFO: Afterlight, Star Wolves...I don't want the kings bounty princess key because I have it. ;)
Add me to talk :)
anything from here for the ship / defense grid ?
I have these gifts:
I have these keys:
Sid Meier's Civilization 5 -> Steam key
Empire Total War Game of the Year -> Steam key
Humble Bundle 3 -> 2 Steam keys
Frozenbyte Bundle -> Steam key
World of Goo -> Steam key
BeMine Groupees 3 -> Steam keys
Defense Grid + DLCs -> Steam key
Osmos -> Steam key
Beat Hazard -> Steam key
A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda -> Steam key
Steel Storm: Burning Retribution -> Steam key
Really Big Sky -> Steam key
Indie Gala 4 BTA -> 2 Gift urls (Steel Storm: Burning Retribution, A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda, Alien Shooter, DeadEnd: Cerebral Vortex, Disciples II: Gallean's Return, Altitude, Really Big Sky, Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded, Wake, Lunnye Devitsy)
Indie Gala 5 BTA -> 1 Gift url (Making History: The Calm & The Storm, Beat Hazard, Razor2: Hidden skies, Ironclads: High Seas, Ironclads: American Civil War, Ironclads: Schleswig War 1864, Ironclads: Anglo Russian War 1866, Ironclads: Chincha, Islands War 1866, Space Empires IV Deluxe, Battle Mages, World Rally Championship Racing, Bad Rats, Disciples II: Rise of the Elves, Puzzle Kingdoms, Ninja Blade, SBK X: Superbike World Championship)
Indie Gala 6 BTA -> 1 Gift url (Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, The Void, Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty, Commandos 2: Men of Courage, Ion Assault, Air Conflicts: Secret Wars, Cargo: The Quest for Gravity, Commandos 3: Destination Berlin, TRAUMA)
Indie Gala 7 BTA -> 4 Gift url (Rig'n'Roll, Space Rangers, Reign: Conflict of Nations, Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943, Death to Spies, Death to Spies: Moment of Truth, King's Bounty: Armored Princess, UFO: Afterlight, Star Wolves)
I want these games: