So it's on sale right now. $0.99 per Gage DLC in Ukraine.

I want someone to get me:

2x Gage Mod Courier -
1x Gage Weapon Pack #1 -
1x Gage Sniper Pack -

Total cost of this would be $3.96 in Ukraine. 2x Keys can be re-sold for ~$4.20

Just add me or send me a trade offer. You can pick DOTA2 Keys instead of TF2 Keys if you wish.

9 years ago*

Well, my store is not in dollars, but that's the prices that I can sell it

9 years ago

3 dota keys

9 years ago

I always say that trade must be useful for both sides, but this offer looks like a great profit for you and very tiny profit for other trader. He spends time and gives you an opportunity to get games cheaper than in your own store, also he risks to be banned - respect that and give him to aquire at least 0,8$ - 1$ instead of funny 20 cents. You're getting 4 DLCs, not single 1$ game. Don't be greedy and you'll be able to get more games for good prices from same trader later.
Free bump.

9 years ago

Thanks for your support. Seems like OP has found his "Deal of the Year".

Friendly bump in case he forgot to close the topic.

9 years ago

Thanks again for the responses. It's understandable that you guys as sellers wish to charge more for this advantage in price and I respect that. I'm simply looking after what's in my best interest, just as you are all looking after your own. In fact, you are lucky to have this advantage in your region as it means you have this advantage in price at any time of the year. No harm done, no fouls to be had. As both of you have said, you are still making a profit out of this, and you might think it is small, but that is simply because the value is small enough, it is DLC, not a full game.

No one here is a fool. It is all in a day's trading. Thanks again for reading and have a nice day. As UnforgivenUA has pointed out I have indeed found a trader who has agreed.

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.