I have Valve pack as a GMG code but redeems on Steam.
I'm aware CS:GO is a part of the pack but since I own every other game in the pack, I thought I'd give someone the opportunity to enjoy all the games.

9 years ago*

:( I really wanted the pack and thought I could get you CS GO and the other one wouldn't be a problem. Turns out, Dynasty costs 25$ and CS GO 7.5$ whereas the pack, only 25$. Dammit :(

8 years ago

Yeah, this was put up before the sales when the pack was more expensive than the others. :( If you haven't got it yet and are patient, I think when CS:GO and DW go on sale (I've seen DW go for $16~), they will be cheaper than the pack again.

8 years ago

Xtreme Legends Complete is on sale today so I can take that + CS:GO.

8 years ago

Oh man, I just used part of this half year's savings a couple of days back and was 3 dollars short to get the Complete Pack. Your deal sounds perfect because I earned 3$ in those 3 days from the card drops but now I only have 9.95$ in my wallet :( Goddammit, I reeeeally wanted that pack.

8 years ago

Aww noo. There's no way you can get the money? :( Cause DW will be on sale for 2 days.

8 years ago

Sadly, no, I'd do everything in my power and still fall way short of it. I really want the Valve Complete and I've calculated. Even if I refund the games I bought, I won't get the money back in my wallet until 3 days after they approve the refund (also assuming that all of them will get refunded in the first place :/) This sucks :(

8 years ago

Btw, accept my request on Steam, I have something funny to show you

8 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.