this is a joke thread in progress, please do not reply

///games i have///:

dust an elysin tale

hotline mama


thomas was alone

///games i want///:

cod ghosts

battlefield 4

///what i dont want///:

cards, i think they are stupid and waste of money if i were to make a political comentary of it i would liken cards to sweat, you can either work hard to get them or idle in the sun, but in the end all you have is the badge that is you're sweat to prove you did it

origin keys, i dont want anything but steam keys, i dont like having games everywhere, ea is stupid to try and compete, steam has monoply on the market and it should stay that way

in game items, i dont want stupid crates or hats or weps, i dont play tf2, sometimes i play some age of wushu tho so i can take items from that and gold is also welcome

virtual money, bitcoin is a scam and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool, paypal is the nsa's backdoor into your bank account so i dont trust that either

scammers and lowballers beware, there is a special place in hell for you

1 decade ago*

Hey there. :) I can give you a TF2 key for Dust. You should probably close this thread though, you could get suspended and mods can be pretty strict about trading on SteamGifts. Try going to SteamTrades instead, it's very useful for trading and it's got plenty of nice people. :)

1 decade ago

idiot lowballer, dust is $15 on the store and a tf2 key is only $2.50, troll harder next time >:(

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.