I have...

Anything you want on steam for the equivalent price or slightly higher.

I want...

Dragon Age Inquisition (Preferably the version with all the dlc)

So I've recently most of my valuable DOTA 2 items 'cause I stoped playing. Big mistake selling all through steam market, since I've wanting to buy DA:I for centuries now but I'm not really about to waste "real" money on it right now. So if you got nice rep I'll gladly trade first. If you want to add some DLCs for DA:I on top of it to add to your game list it'll be very welcome (Lore related DLC I mean, not those pay-to-look-retarded items from the deluxe version)

9 years ago

Witcher 3 for Dragon Age Inquisition ?

9 years ago

deal :D
Add me on steam?

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.