I have...

Humble Roguelike non-BTA (Paranautical Activity, Dungeons of Dredmor Complete, "Hack, Slash, Loot") ( Paranautical Activity is removed from the Steam store! )

Indie Gala Interstellar bundle (Beast Boxing Turbo, Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves, Interstellar Marines Spearhead Edition, PixelJunk Shooter, PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate, Finding Teddy, Cubicity, Interstellar Marines (Non Spearhead key), Rush Bros., Dynamite Jack) ( Worth well over $60 in today's pricing, counting sales! )

Don't Starve Together

I want...

Skyrim LE (Skyrim Legendary Edition)

Alright, so, I'm looking for Skyrim LE. I don't care if it's a key or a gift, since I'll be using it and won't be re-trading it. I have a number of items to trade, and you can pick two if you're interested --

  • Humble Roguelike non-BTA x2 (Paranautical Activity, Dungeons of Dredmor Complete, "Hack, Slash, Loot") ( Paranautical Activity is removed from the Steam store! )

  • Indie Gala Interstellar bundle x2 (Beast Boxing Turbo, Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves, Interstellar Marines Spearhead Edition, PixelJunk Shooter, PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate, Finding Teddy, Cubicity, Interstellar Marines (Non Spearhead key), Rush Bros., Dynamite Jack) ( Worth well over $60 in today's pricing, counting sales! )

  • A key for Don't Starve Together

If you're interested, feel free to just add me. I'll be on most of the day, and will be willing to trade if I'm around.

9 years ago*

Skyrim, non legendary?

9 years ago

No thanks, I'd have to then purchase all the DLC at a much higher rate.

9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.