So, a while ago I start a trade with G@nJ!K, in summary he came very gentle with a message on the chat wanting to trade, I trusted him because I added him to my friend list almost a month ago, we talked many times but never traded anything, so he was just waiting for the right moment to steal my games. He offered a nice list of games for trading, I picked CS:GO in exchange for Greed and Grotesque tactics II(That was a suspicious trade, but I just though he really wanted these 2 games and had an extra copy of CS:GO), then... just read the conversation.
Conversation Picture:

The codes were redeemed by other 2 Users(Same person?)

Jose Castro (AKA DG. #Nash'Skreep^^)
Jose Andres (AKA trululu****) (Private profile)


So well, now you know of these 3 scammers!
Hope this help ;)

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.