I have Steam Wallet and wanting to trade for TF2 Keys

Current Ratio*: 1 Key : $1.60 Steam Wallet

Post what game you would want and we will go by the value above or if I'm feeling generous will throw a couple bucks your way =D.

*Ratio will change depending on my mood.

1 decade ago*

Or people could sell their keys in Steam Market for $2.45 or so and net $2.10 steam wallet for each key.

C'mon man, you are better than this. Also, feel free to call me a douche again and close the topic. Or just offer $2 wallet and make a small profit instead of looking for a sucker.

1 decade ago

Dude im not hurting anyone. If they want this they will use it.you don't have to be a fucking Dick abo
ut it.

1 decade ago

You can keep on being greedy and not make any of these swaps, or you could take the small profit and be happy. Even better, it saves you on fees from buying them on the Market at 2.45.

I guarantee that people would be happy to fork over keys at 1.90-2.10 in wallet since that is what they could get, and they could be giving you the benefit instead of Valve. Use your head.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.