I have...

The Engulfing Spike (Magnus) Rare Bundle
Imperial Relics (Dark Seer) Rare Bundle
The Conquering Tyrant (Centaur Warrunner) Rare Set
Knight of the Burning Scale (Dragon King) Mystical Bundle with Hud and custom icons
Apostle of Decay (Necrophos) Mystical Bundle with custom icos

I want...

cs:go cards, dota 2 cards, random rares.
price: Magnus, Dark Seer, Centaur 10 random rares each, 6 cs go or dota 2 cards
Dragon King and Necrophos 30 random rares each, 20 cs go or dota 2 cards.

Bundles are not tradable giftable only.

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.