this guy named coollleer contacted me to say that he wanted to trade bully for assassin's creed brotherhood. I bought the game and then he told me that he wanted me to go first because trading didnt work for him. Bullshit. it said that he had cancelled the trade his profile said that he was russian and they use rubles. But he was talking about euros clearly saying that he wasnt russian. Then i told him to send me his steamtrades rep and he sent it to me but it redirected to a different person. he said it was a steam glitch. then i asked him if he wanted the game for himself but when i checked the real coollleer's game list, He already had bully on his game list. Idiot. then he started calling me a troll and then eventually i said that if he didnt want to go first then that was fine with me. so i decided to just stop the trade. Now He is trying to impersonate Naporsocapo which adds more proof that he is trying to scam people. Please block this idiot so he wont scam you guys like he almost did to me

Coollleer real profile:

Naporsocapo real profile:


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.