i need 10 TF2 keys..

got bioshock 1 = R$19.99

and some TF2 items..

1 decade ago*

Your tf2 items are not tradeable, and BioShock 1 worth much, much less than 10 keys.

1 decade ago

maybe 3 of my TF2 items are not tradable.. and Bioshock is $19.99 so i guess it is worth 10 keys at 1.90 each..

but if you think it's not worth it, how many TF2 keys are fair in your opinion?

i'm not an expert o TF2 values but my friend wants 10 keys for the BSI season pass that is also $19.99... same value of Bioshock..

1 decade ago

You don't value a game after the current price, but at it's sale price, and bioshock has been 4.99$, so that's pretty much max what you will get for it. and right now most people have recieved a copy through the preorder, so i would even value it lower at the moment.

1 decade ago

i am a reasonable person and i don't mean to be greedy of scam anyone..
i just want to make a fair trade so i can eventually get the season pass..

1 decade ago

so basically the Bioshock copy is worth 2 or 3 keys max?
Thanks for the usefull info Ultimofist.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.