I know this will be a hard sale (i'll explain later)

Im offering a Diablo 3 with the following:
LV 60 Wizard
LV 34 HC Barbarian
LV 58 Demon Hunter
LV 52 Monk

Battlenet Funds, about 13 USD (from RMAH) for use to buy gear on the RMAH, trade will go as followed:

:I will go first, giving the account's login information
Then you will be free to change password and etc.

BUT, you cannot change the email-address of the battle.net account nor do I have access to the email associated with it (The account was created since the launch of WoW, 2004) Hence why I am selling it for cheap and why I am going first, that said I am more inclined to go first to reputable members because I cannot recover the account in-case someone tries to scam.

And.. Thanks for looking !

1 decade ago*

Origin Account : Dead Space 2, Alice Madness Returns, Burnout

Steam Account : Dungeon Siege 3

for Diablo 3 account ??

1 decade ago

No thanks, im looking for gifts or paypal

1 decade ago

And then you will just change password again cause you have the email... nice try :P

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.