Exactly as the title says, is it allowed on SteamTrades for someone like me to offer a PSN key in hopes of getting a Steam key or tradable gift in return?
It might be harder since it's a key after all, but if I did that, could I get suspended from this site?


1 decade ago*

I have seen it before.

1 decade ago

How about ways of trading the keys safely and more securely? What is the best way of doing it?

1 decade ago

I think the best way is to trade with people that have a high +rep on steamtrades. There is no reliable way to trade when keys are involved. If you have a lower rep, you have to give your key first and wait for the other party to activate it, before you receive your game.

*Just be wary for impersonators, that use other peoples trade rep. Always double check if the link they send you is actually corresponding with their profile.

1 decade ago

Thanks mate! I see your quite an expert on this site with 93 reps! I might post the trade later on today, so look out for my thread if you're interested.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.