Opening PAYDAY 2 : 4-pack for 2 tf2 / 3 dota keys

1) 2/3 keys for game and 12 keys as deposit
2) NOT have PAYDAY 2 in the library
3) You must have bought something from steam store more than 30 days ago, or the 3 extra copies will become non-tradable
4) You must able to buy or sell item in steammarket, or the 3 extra copies will become non-tradable
How does it work?
1) I will give you my 4-pack gift and you give me 14/15 keys as deposit
2) Activate the 4-pack in your inventory, you will receive the game in your library 3 extra copies
3) Trade me those 3 copies and I will give back 12 keys from deposit

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.