I am selling:

Humble Audiobook Bundle for 3 Keys + 4 4 Refined Metal(tf2)/3 Random Rares(dota2) (or 4 keys, I add 3 Refined)
Humble Weekly Sale(Bohemia Interactive) for 3 Keys + 4 Refined Metal(tf2)/3 Random Rares(dota2) (or 4 keys, I add 3 Refined)

  1. Add me
  2. Check my profile
  3. Discuss about the sweets(if you buying the Indie Bundle)
  4. Give me the payment
  5. I will give you the link to redeem the game
    I will not accept anything other than KEYS + REFINED METAL(tf2)/RANDOM RARES(dota2)
    Do not add me to bargain about the price

Why am I doing this ?

  • This is just a way to buy keys for 1.8$. Normally, I have to buy each keys for 1.8$ and the fees via paypal. This way I am buying keys for somewhat less than 1.8$.
1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.