[Have] 2x Super MNC Beta Gift Full Game

[Want] Offer.

I don't want Coupons.

1 decade ago*

absolutely free (uberent.com)

1 decade ago

its free so i offer coupons add me drunkhoboboy117 http://steamcommunity.com/id/DH117/inventory/#753_0 TRADING EVERYTHING, add me iff necessary

1 decade ago

LMAO, you offer coupons only, but request GAMES only if someone wants a copy from your post? WTF man...

1 decade ago

i have EVERY coupon you have.

1 decade ago

did the comments here get deleted? i swear there were more...

1 decade ago

Yes, I deleted them. It was pointless for me to continue to call you out on the post, so I removed my initial post, and the rest went with it.

1 decade ago

anyone taking these?

1 decade ago

man, you can get the game for free at uberent.com (developer website I think) so why would anyone trade in something? They just sign up, get their own copy and another 2 gift copies.

1 decade ago

i''l take for coupon or tf2 items sry bud

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.