I have...

I can idle within a day or two depending on the amount of games

I want...

Games i don't own

You can add me on steam or just leave a comment

You can check the games i don't own --> compare2steam.com/?steamid=76561198350166693

5 years ago

hi, a few games to idling if u want

Quest Run
The Ship: Murder Party
Dead Bits
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Absconding Zatwor+Break into Zatwor+Fiends of imprisonment+They Came From The Moon (Pack)
Brilliant Bob+Goocubelets+Why So Evil+Why So Evil 2: Dystopia (Pack)

5 years ago

I can idle

  1. QuestRun
  2. DarkEnd
  3. The Ship: Murder Party
5 years ago

Closed 4 years ago.