I have...

-Awesomenauts x3
-Awesomenauts: Starstorm DLC (Gone) x0

I want...

-1 key for Awesomenauts
-3 keys for Starstorm DLC
-Any other offer.

Both are game keys, won from tournaments.

I am aware of my non-existant reputation, and since they are keys I should go first due to my low rep. However, seeing so many scam reports made me a bit paranoid, so I will not go first unless it's someone with a very high reputation. I'd rather not trade than get scammed. I will give the key as soon as I get the keys. All I can give is my word really, I hope I can get to raise my rep. First trade post here, sorry if I did something wrong.

9 years ago*

So you have awesomenauts and want awesomenauts? I might be willing to trade an awesomenauts key for the starstorm DLC.
I could also trade To the Moon, Tales of Maj' Eyal, Velvet Assassin, Desolate Hope, Runes of Brennos, Arma tactics, or Sid Meier's Civ 3.
Lemme know if you are interested in any of em.

9 years ago*

I have both Awesomenauts and Starstorm DLC up for trade, I will be checking on those games to see if I like any of them.

9 years ago

Sorry, traded it already.

9 years ago

Any of the ones below for Starstorm DLC? Also have a Heroes of the Storm EU beta key.


  • Gumboy Tournament
  • Gun Monkeys
  • Torchlight II

Steam keys:

  • Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition (humble gift URL)
  • Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet (humble gift URL)
  • Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine (humble gift URL)
  • Papo & Yo (humble gift URL)


  • Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising
  • Dead Space
  • Populous


  • Dungeons of Dredmor
  • The Shivah
  • Eleusis
  • RADical ROACH
9 years ago

Sorry, traded Starstorm already, thanks for the offer though.

9 years ago

interest in Voyage: Journey to the Moon ?

9 years ago

In exchange for which of the 2?

9 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.