I have...

I still haven't received the code and keeping the thread closed till I get it. Feel free to add me if you're interested.

Alan Wake 2 Nvidia code redeemable on Epic Games Store. I got alan wake 2 key from nvidia bundle available with rtx 4070 or any higher gpu. I built my pc last week and its my personal code. Ready to sell it to anyone interested.

There are certain regions restrictions, pls check the nvidia website before adding me to avoid any complications.

Here is the link - https://www.nvidia.com/en-in/geforce/campaigns/alan-wake-2-pc-game-bundle/terms-conditions/

I want...

15 TF2, or 2200rs UPI as well

It's my personal code so i wont go first unless your rep is higher than 20.
Also, I'm from India.

6 months ago*


This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

6 months ago

Closed 6 months ago.