Scammer: M4tu

This Estonian guy scammed me few minutes ago.
Took my Humble Bundle 3 key, than blocked me.
I tried to contact him over his friendlist and after few people sent him my notice, he deleted like 30 of his "friends".
The funny thing about this is, he took a humble bundle 3 key. lol
My bad I sent the key fist and a lesson for the future.
steam profile
steamid: STEAM_0:0:40651166
Previous names: M4tu, Grou, Dogs,...

1 decade ago*

Yup, this guy tried the same thing on me. But he asked for a tradeable (The Ship lol) before his "keys." He will blind add you, and he admits to not having a steamtrades post or account.

Be careful all. He is small potatoes, but a scammer is a scammer.

1 decade ago

Yup scammed me too, also for a worthless key but still.

You should go and report him at steamrep, thats what I did. He also gave me bad rep -.- what an ass***

1 decade ago

When I opened this thread I saw you had -1, so I went to see his profile and it seems he deleted your negative rep just a moment ago.

1 decade ago

hmm looks like he has changed his name and custom URL...

1 decade ago

You can find his URL from steamrep ,

click on the steamprofile and it will take you to his profile no matter if he change the URL

1 decade ago

He is now going as "Grou" He can change his name, but he can't change his permanent ID number.

Run scared weak little scammer.

1 decade ago

Tried to get two worthless keys for Company of Heroes (prob. gotten from another scam trade). Guess I dodged a bullet by not going first.
Lesson of the day: Do not trust in someone without a ST profile.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.