I have...

AK-47 Redline Field-Tested (with ultra-rare Katowice 2014 Holo Team LDLC Sticker - 400€+ NO LEFT ON THE MARKET on the market )

I want...

Keys or PayPal

Check my Steam profile for more reps+

7 years ago*

how many keys you want for it?

7 years ago

Well I have a number in my head, but first I would like to hear your offer if you don't mind :)

7 years ago

not really interested in it probably you want more than 100 keys for it right?

7 years ago

Well we can discuss it, I was thinking around 50 keys

7 years ago

did you try selling it?(on market) probably you can get more than that.

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.