Opening Chivalry 4-Packs for just 1 Key.

How does this work?

  • I give you a Chivalry 4-Pack for 1 Key + some insurance.
  • You activate it then return the 3 copies for your insurance, leaving you with the game for 1 Key.

If you don't have strong reputation you'll need another 4-5 Keys worth of insurance which you'll get back in return for the extra 3 copies. This can be in keys, games, items or whatever.

Add me to ask/discuss/trade

1 decade ago*

Added you to talk.

EDIT : Dont trade with him, unless you have 5 more keys.... I never scammed people on SteamTrades, and i only got as insurance Orion Dino Horde Gift and 1 ToD. His rules are just a bull**it. He telled me i have bad attitude and poor reputation. Isnnt 48 +REP enough? Just that i have -REP was a missunderstaning with the guy that i tryed to trade.
So dont trade unless you got 5 keys for the insurance

1 decade ago

My rules aren't bullshit, you're just up your own ass. If you badmouth everyone who refuses to trade with you you're clearly an ignorant child. You DO have a bad attitude.

I answered everything you just asked in the chat, and now you're butthurt and raging on my thread? Grow up kid.

1 decade ago

First, i am not a "kid" as you mentioned. I am 16 year old, and i am enough mature. I have a good behaivor, i know how to act with the people IRL and Internet.

Second, if there is reputation, why you want a insurency?

Third. Good luck...

1 decade ago

I'm not here to argue with you just because you didn't get what you want, grow up and move on kid.

1 decade ago

Do you think that when you calling me "kid" makes you cooler to the others?

Now shut up.

1 decade ago

I've left negative feedback on your profile and I'm currently reporting you on Steamtrades. For the last time, stop spamming your crap on my threads and grow up.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Its standard practice to have sufficient collateral for 4 pack trade and yours is nowhere near enough. Having said that, I have traded with duxor before and he didnt leave rep after asking him to, so I guess it works both ways.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.