Well, I have an Extra copy the Bioshock Infinite with Season Pass (gift) and I would like to trade it on other games..
One of the games I want is Bioshock 1. I also want DayZ, but if you dont have it and want to make another offer, its ok.
So, I want Bioshock 1 + Another game

I am also open to other offers, or if you like Steam Wallet $50

Thank you

1 decade ago*

I have Bioshock 1 and choose from this list, take 2 of the bundled games Here

1 decade ago

can do bioshoc 1+garrysmod or dead island epidemic or trine 2 complete(all gifts) or only gta complete or max payne 3

1 decade ago

Are you selling the Season Pass alone? How much would it be? I have bioshock 1 (and 2, for that matter) up for trade...

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.