I know at first this seems odd but the reason I am selling an old account is due to that I got my main account (this one) disabled due to trying to sell it on eBay. While it was disabled, I thought I weren't going to get it back so I made another account and bought some games that were on sale.

I am not sure if you are allowed to trade old accounts on here, but it does have 12 games on it and no VAC secured and clear. You can relate to alias to see that the first name it had was the same as my main account had.

The account is http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198032072320/

If this is not allowed I will take it down, it is that I have no need for 2 accounts and I thought I might as well try to get something out of it as I never use it.

Offers below and feel free to add me on this current account if you want to discuss trade.

1 decade ago*


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.