I have...

CS:GO(Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)- 4 cs:go keys

I want...

cs:go(counter strike:global offensive) keys
dota 2 keys
Offer, as the prices may differ.
I accept items too.

steam gift ROW.

8 years ago*

Can I interest you in any combination of leftover humble bundle links? Here's my list:

Contraption Maker;
La Mulana;
MirrorMoon EP;
Pixel Piracy;
Super Splatters;
Dead Space 2:
Dragon Age: Origins;
Mass Effect 2;

Doesn't need to be 1:1. If you're interested just make me an offer.

8 years ago

sorry, but i don't see this being equal to cs:go and i don't need games, really.

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.