I almost got cought by very smart password fishing attempt. He Wrote in a quote:

"Hey friend can not add, add him wants to trade
http://steamco l mmunity(dot)com/id/rainbow*****"

NOTICE THAT "L" IN A LINK, WHEN YOU GET IN THAT PAGE ITS LIKE REGULAR ONE BUT WHEN YOU PRESS "ADD FRIEND" - STEAM REQUIRES TO LOGIN. So basically if het gets your steam acc password, then its a big chance that he gets and emails password.. And then without changing password he might get your acc, becouse of that is very hard to proof steam support that your acc was stolen..

Be careful people, many of us got some liquer in our body at this this Holiday season. So we can miss that stuff and be robbed. Be careful they got smarter every day :)

ALWAYS CHECK URL'S YOU WERE GIVEN OR SIMPLY JUST INSTANTLY BLOCK UKNOWN PEOPLE WHO SENT YOU URL'S! There is much more phishing links with only one different letter..

BTW Happy and Safe Holidays people ! :)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.