I have...

DiRT Rally, Inside, Black Mesa, Event[0], Kingdom: New Lands Royal Edition, Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition, Slime-san, Tumblestone, Flat Heroes, Morphblade, RIVE

I want...

Offer what you want

Hey fellas! Let's see if someone can offer me something interesting for one or more games.

At any point where I see any kind of trick i'm going to cut the comunication completely, but if you are a nice person this should be easy peasy. ^^

7 years ago

Hi, I`m interested in following games (Humble Gift Links)

DiRT Rally
Black Mesa
Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition

lemme know if anything reasonable from here interest you, have a nice day

7 years ago

Hey Moshin! I was wondering about ABZU. Do you have it? I don't really understand the "Humble Unredeemed Keys (But Cannot be gifted)". Is it basically a key?

7 years ago


it looks like this.

7 years ago*

Ur wl is tiny so i can offer my games :D https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/YtrsJ/
Am mostly interested in dirt and mesa

7 years ago

Lords of the fallen and Abzu are interesting! Let me know if you think it's worth it.

7 years ago

I add u to talk

7 years ago

angelnavinox on steam

7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.