Will trade all my tf2 items for HIB 4 (must be BTA)

1 decade ago*

I have HIB 3 Steam Key. They gave HIB 2 as the BTA so you'd still need that. I have Desura keys of many of the bundles if you're interested in those.

Let me know.

1 decade ago

Thanks, I'm not exactly sure what you are saying, but, I am looking specificaly for an unused link for a BTA bundle, so if it is not exactly that, I am not interested.

1 decade ago

HIB 3's BTA bonus was HIB 2.
HIB 4's BTA was some games and HIB 3.

So either way you're going to have some extra keys in the end. I was simply offering a plain old HIB 3 URL or Key, but no worries if you're set on BTA URLs.

1 decade ago

Thanks for the info, looks like I am looking for the HIB 4 BTA, as it will get me the most new games!

1 decade ago

So does it have Atom zombie smasher and Steel storm ?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.