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10x Dota2 gifts

1x Dota2 Webstore Gift ( Legendary ) :

Get immediate access to Dota 2 and start playing right away! This bundle includes a Mighty Boar courier, and a full set of items for Sven, Juggernaut, and Witch Doctor. Dota 2 is currently only available on the PC.

Mighty Boar

Stoic Mask of the High Plains

Wolf Cape of the High Plains

Aspect Wraps of the High Plains

Long-Fang the Grey Blade

Tayrnhelm of the Swordmaster

Girth of the Swordmaster

Fluted Guard of the Swordmaster

Grip of the Swordmaster

1 decade ago*

Dota 2 early access bundle? anyone can buy it directly from store if think it worth $29.99

1 decade ago

Yes, but im not asking that for it ofc :)

Edit : Maybe ppl want it and don't have that kind of money to buy it, that's why I am trading it. ;)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.