I have...

I have Left 4 Dead 2 4-Pack region-free gift. I accept 7 Keys if you want the whole 4pack or just 1 key to keep a single copy.

Trade Conditions:

  1. You MUST have 7 keys or items worth at least 7 keys to open the 4-pack. You will be refunded 6 keys after opening the pack.
  2. First, i will trade your 7 keys (or items of equivalent value) for my Left 4 Dead 2 4-Pack. You will add the 4-Pack to your Steam library and you will get 3 extra gift copies in your gift inventory.
  3. Trade the 3 gift copies back to me and i will send your 6 keys (or equivalent value based on your offered items) back to you. That's about it! :)
I want...

TF2, CSGO, Dota2 Keys or Sacks of Gems (5 sacks = 1 Key)

9 years ago*

Closed 9 years ago.