Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath.
dino d day.
Day of Defeat: Source x3
Holiday Sale 2011 Gift: Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People: Season 1
half-life2 episode two.x2
Holiday Sale 2011 Gift: Half-Life 2: Episode One
Holiday Sale 2011 Gift: Half-Life 2 x2
Half-Life Anything for L4D2?
Any combination of these for L4D2?:
I'll take you up on Gemini Rue and Kick it, but, could you throw in something else (your choice) aside from guest passes, or episode 2? So, from those, your choice of Eye, Swords, and Flatout, or if you have something else small works too.
If so, add me, HydrophobicFish9
Thanks, guys. :)
Edit: L4D2 has been traded, BTB is still available!