I have...

Steam Games and DLC (all Steam gifts):

  1. Sir, You Are Being Hunted

  2. Hero Siege (also Steam gifts for Hero Siege - The Karp of Doom DLC, Hero Siege - The Depths of Hell DLC, and Hero Siege Amazon's Jungle Bundle DLC)

  3. Crypt of the NecroDancer

  4. This War of Mine (i bought it cause i hear it's really good but i don't know if it's my kind of game or not. i hope it's not a hugely complexive game to fully understand with all the things you can do in it.)

  5. Phantom Breaker Battle Grounds

I want...

Wishlist Offers (preferably, games/DLC that were in the Steam Halloween Sale and Hitman/Resident Evil Weekend sales that i haven't bought that are also on my Steam wishlist)

My Steam Wishlist: http://steamcommunity.com/id/cubanewyorker/wishlist

Post your trade offers in here. If i like what you're offering me, i'll add you on Steam myself.

8 years ago*

Closed 8 years ago.