I have...
I want...

I am not sure what people would consider to be a fair trade value for The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut. List price is $45, but it is on the bundle list because it was offered as a free upgrade to people who already owned the three Van Helsing games. I think the price range of the games listed above are in the 8-15 USD range. I am open to other similar offers.

7 years ago

The game is a Steam Key. I will accept keys or Steam gifts. I have never traded before, so I hope people will trust me to make a fair trade.

7 years ago

Anything here ?

7 years ago

I am going to say no for now. I have a lesser interest in The Lost City Leviathan though if I don't get any other offers. I'll let you know.

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.