I have DieselStormers -66% Coupon valid until October 12th.

Post your offer below before adding me.

9 years ago*

You want to get a key or games for that coupon?
i have more than 300 coupons http://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=82833940&token=4OQ3Vrp8

9 years ago

I'm not sure if this is offer, or are you just making fun of me.
I'm pretty new in this whole trading. I assumed that since this coupon reduces the price from 18.99€ to 6.45€, it may be worth a game from Humble Bundle or a TF2 key.

9 years ago

no man i help you, the coupons have almost no worth because there are so many of them. But some people give you backround for a coupon

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.