As the title says, I've got 3 copies of Section 8: Prejudice with all DLCs. They were supposed to be a gift, only one didn't like shooting people, one had a Mac, and another already owned it. Each of the copies are valued at $25 each, so I'm looking for something of equivalent value. But hey, don't worry too much about the price. Just offer something.

Sooo... I'm looking for people with 3 Steam Play games, preferably with multiplayer support, and something generally fun. I really want to give them something of worth.

For one of the copy, I'm looking for a nice puzzle with some depth to it. For the other two, I'm looking for a minor but decent FPS.

Please offer here. I'll try to check back...

P.S. Preferably, I would like games in your Steam Inventory than keys. In fact, would any one be kind enough to explain to me how trading with keys work? Thanks!

P.P.S. I'm not going to be on Steam for a while. Please continue to offer here so I can review it. I'll add you if I see something they might like. Thank you.

P.P.P.S. I've already sold 2 copies. There is still 1 left.

1 decade ago*

I dont think they go that high on price per game. Maybe I might be wrong. Kinda sucks everything went downhill.

1 decade ago

I guess you're right. I've edited the post to ask for anything.
Out of curiosity, have you anything to offer?

1 decade ago

I reread your story and it made me laugh.

-One that doesn't like shooting people: Hippie
-One that had a Mac: Hipster
-One that had it already: Gamer
(This is how I imagine them XD.)
I love how you have a variety of friends.

I don't have anything to offer sorry.

1 decade ago

I really need to find out more about my friends before I buy them stuff....

1 decade ago

Interesed in Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943, Space Rangers, Avencast: Rise of the Mage

1 decade ago

Breath of Death VII

1 decade ago

Thanks guys. I'll consider your offers. Although I'm looking for an FPS primarily now. I found a puzzle offer I liked. So if someone could please offer an FPS of equivalent quality to Section 8: Prejudice. Thank you!

1 decade ago

Interested in Nuclear Dawn, Revelations 2012 or Sanctum? :)

1 decade ago

Nuclear Dawn looks perfect! 1:1? I'll add you to make sure.

1 decade ago

Thanks, I'll consider all your offers!

1 decade ago

Binding of isaac or trine? (gifts)

Something off my key list again?
Also dont spam comments so you will bump your threads, otherwise Jade with hammer will come for you.

1 decade ago

How bout some ref and my tf2 backapack..Also have aa gog code for realms of arkania 1 and 2 .a

1 decade ago

Sorry, not really looking for TF2 stuff. My friend doesn't play that game. Thanks for offering though!

1 decade ago

I can do + King's Bounty: Armored Princess for it since you were looking for a puzzle. It's not a puzzle but actually an awesome game =P

Or, Humble Indie Bundle 2 (Braid by Jonathan Blow, Cortex Command by Data Realms, Machinarium by Amanita Design, Osmos by Hemisphere Games, and Revenge of the Titans by Puppy Games).

Since those are keys, I'll go first just in case they might not work.

Edit: Trading with steam keys is like this: The guy with the keys always go first except if the other user has waaay low reputation (like you, but since you're cool I'll make an exception). Then, the other user redeems it, and then trade the other stuff like Steam Gift or something.

1 decade ago

Hey, thanks for explaining that to me. I didn't even really know what keys were until I traded for one this morning.
I'll definitely take your offer in consideration, as I near my deadline for getting something for him.
Thank you!

But I'm sorry to say that it doesn't matter who goes first, because I can't test the keys out if I'm going to give them!

1 decade ago

Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor (ROW)

or Trine 2

or Toy Soldiers

or Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet

1 decade ago

renegade ops?

1 decade ago

that for hi6 url gift code (it goes with 9 games with steam keys and drm free options)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.